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Category: CX Buzz of the Week

64 blogs

Improving Customer Experience | CX Buzz of the Week (22nd September, 2016)

In this week’s #CX Buzz, Peter Fader for Adage asks why only the ‘right’ customers are right; Annette Franz tells you to use your employees voices to transform your CX; Chris Smith from Knowtechie wonders how IoT will challenge everyday CX; From Mashable no less a great piece on 5 ways to conquer customer satisfaction – a case study of Zappos; Nicolas Bordas’s brilliant piece on what if brand meant CX; And finally, our tweet of the week is an endorsement of Bordas’s piece from none other than the brilliant @Jaybaer. Enoy!
Improving Customer Experience | CX Buzz of the Week (12th August, 2016)

Improving Customer Experience | CX Buzz of the Week (12th August, 2016)

Plenty of #CX buzz to get your teeth stuck into this week, with; A piece by Eric Rees [Lesson.ly] interviewing 6 of the top industry experts on areas that are often overlooked in #CX; Brandembassy.com who have featured more in our blogs this month than any other publication, with a great customer service case study by Stephan Delbos; Kerry Butters [Userlike.com] with 4 common online customer service mistakes; Natalie Monetta writing for Jay Baer’s Convinceandconvert.com on quality interactions and loyal customers; Finally don’t forget out Tweet of the WEEK from Grant Cardone @GrantCardone talking about what makes people successful. Enjoy!
Improving Customer Experience | CX Buzz of the Week (5th August, 2016)

Improving Customer Experience | CX Buzz of the Week (5th August, 2016)

Even though most people are in the throes of summer holidays, still there are some very interesting discussions online about customer experience. This week’s CX Buzz blog includes pieces from Baselinemag.com on how IT can enhance the CX journey; CXOtoday.com on CRM as the new CX management; Johan Botha for Bizcommunity.com on the superhero behind the Leatherman tool; Hootesuite sharing the outcome of an expert panel on the importance of social along the CX journey; Halewebdevelopment.com sharing a Salesforce infographic on CX; Simon Robinson’s new CX definition of Holonomics; and finally our TWEET OF THE WEEK from @Doorman with “99 CX Stats Experts Trust to Improve #CX.” We love it and we hope you do too. Enoy!
Improving Customer Experience | CX Buzz of the Week (22nd July, 2016)

Improving Customer Experience | CX Buzz of the Week (22nd July, 2016)

Lots of focus on social customer experience and service and how to win at it, in this week’s CX Buzz, with; Two pieces from Business2community.com; the 10 top customer service Skills infographic from Winthecustomer.com; The Customer Journey in a social media era from Brandquarterly.com; As well as a great advice from Entrepreneur.com on how to deal with a bad customer service conversation; How not to make your customer experience creepy from marketingmag.com.au.